Tension with China could boost these industrial stocks, expert says

The industrial sector is getting an investment boost amid geopolitical tensions between China and North America, one expert said. 
Maxim Sytchev, managing director of industrial products at National Bank of Canada, said any company that is not connected to China will be a net benefit to North America as businesses re-shore their operations. 
“These geopolitical tensions, which we don’t foresee to abate anytime soon, are driving the investment locally,” he told BNN Bloomberg in a Thursday interview. 
Sytchev recommend ATS Corp. (ATS), Toromont Industries Ltd. (TIH) and Colliers International Group Inc. (CIGI) as his top three picks within the industrial sector. 
He, his family, his firm and his investment banking clients do not own any of the stocks mentioned above. 
For the full interview, click on the video at the top of this article.