​Expert picks internet stocks best positioned for market share gains

Internet stocks that change consumer behaviour are best positioned to gain future market share, according to an expert in the sector. 
Ygal Arounian, director of Citi Research’s U.S. internet team, told BNN Bloomberg that he expects internet software such as e-commerce advertising will see the most growth in the months ahead. 
“One of the big things we often look for is market share gains, products that are differentiated and bring easy use to consumers, some reason for people to change their behaviours,” he said in a Tuesday interview. 
Arounian recommended Wix (WIX), Wayfair (W) and Trade Desk Inc. (TTD) as his top three internet stock picks. 
He, his family and his investment banking clients do not own any shares in the stocks mentioned above, however, his firm does. 
For the full interview with Luria, click on the video at the top of this article.